Najatraktivnija golferka na svetu je bez dileme Amerikanka Pejdž Spiranak

Pejdž je postala svetski hit po načinu hvatanja loptice za golf, što radi poprsjem i međunožjem. Ali, nije joj bilo lako, posebno kada je njega gola fotografija dospela u javnost.

Objavio ju je njen bivši dečko, koji je fotografiju poslao prijateljima, a oni širili dalje. Našla se u centru pažnje, dobijala poruke nepoznatih muškaraca.

 Bilo je grozno dobijati poruke i fotografije. Osećala sam se odvratno. Kada sam mu rekla da ne mogu da verujem šta je uradio, rekao mi je: “Ti si dr*lja koja mi je to poslala. Zaslužila si”. Kako je vreme prolazilo, stvari su postajale sve strašnije. 

 Budila bih se i razmišljala u kom ću se tabloidu danas pojaviti. Bila sam pod stresom. Smetali su mi i dvostruki standardi. Muškarci su me nazivali dr*ljom što sam poslala golu fotografiju svome tadašnjem dečku, a u isto su vreme oni meni slali fotografije svojih polnih organa.

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Episode 3 of my podcast @playingaroundpodcast is out! I went back and forth on which picture to post for this because well this was a really hard episode for me to talk about. It’s all about my nude picture that has been shared around and is on the internet. I decided to pick this picture because I think people see how I am online with this sexy, fun image that I portray and would assume a nude picture to me is nothing. But there’s a distinct difference, one picture I posted, the other I didn’t give consent to be shared. It was a huge invasion of my privacy and I’ve been harassed and black mailed over it for the past 4 years. I’m now owning the nude picture and I feel so much better to have talked about it! Really hope you give it a listen. You can find the podcast anywhere that you listen to your podcasts😌

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Uzvratila je tako što se pojavila na naslovnoj strani “Sports Illustrated” u bikiniju, a potom i gola i pobedila je demone.

– Bila sam gola. Bila sam potpuno gola i to je bio najbolji trenutak u mom životu. Osećala sam se moćno i tada sam pobedila. Vratila sam kontrolu nad svojim telom – rekla je Amerikanka.

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This was such a hard secret to keep! But I’m so honored and humbled to be included in #SISwim 2018! This issue is about self-love, empowering women, body positivity, and encouraging everyone to be kind. Women face so much pressure every. single. day. to look, act, and talk a certain way, and it is so difficult trying to figure out what you “can” and “should” be. It’s taken a long time, but I’m proud of my body! I’m proud of who I am! I’m proud that I can be strong, smart, AND sexy! SI Swim embraces ALL women, no matter what, and just wants them to feel loved. You should feel loved and powerful and unapologetically YOU! And don’t let ANYONE tell you that you’re not perfect just the way you are. Thank you to @mj_day and the whole team for believing in me and letting me share my story. You’ve changed my outlook on life and let me know it’s okay to love my body❤️ #siswim

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Hi 🥰

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