Nakon nekoliko pobačaja, ova mama skoro da se pomirila sa činjenicom da teško da će ikada ostvariti najveću želju i zatrudniti, a onda se desilo potpuno čudo.

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S(QUAD) GOALS 😉🥰 & no, I’m not relaxing and my coffee is not hot — oh the irony of this mug. 😂Yesterday we took the crew for routine eye exams and I think I’m still traumatized. So hard to see your babies cry but I’m so thankful for our amazing doctors and strong, healthy kids! Including Carson who is always such a champ so long as snacks are involved. (New vlog coming soon!) We’re continuing to transition the babies into their cribs for naps and it’s going pretty well I’d say. Definitely a challenge but we’re getting there! Next up will be cribs for overnight sleep but my mama heart is just not emotionally ready for that yet. No hurries, no worries. All in due time. We hope you all have a great day! ❤️

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Iako su na početku trudnoće ljekari izražavali zabrinutost zbog njene krhke građe i vjerujući da njeno tijelo neće podnijeti četvorke, predlagali su joj da redukuje određeni broj embriona, Lindzi na to nije pristala.

Tako su u 30. nedjelji trudnoće na svijet stigli Kajden, Medison, Lukas i Grejson. Svi su morali da ostanu 45 dana na intenzivnoj njezi, ali sada oni rastu kao iz vode i potpuno su zdravi.
